2021 Guangzhou Auto Show Tour: Chery QQ Ice Cream Unbounded Afewdaysago,Bitauto smuseumexplorationteamphotogra
The latecomers are ahead. Julang Hybrid GMC2.0 is more advanced than Toyota THS BitautoOriginalSincethebeginningofthisyear,therisi
Cadillac Escalade EV expected to debut in 2023, priced at over $120,000 Afewdaysago,weobtainedthelatestnewsabouttheCadilla
2022 Paris Auto Show: Cyrus iX3/Cyliss SF5 unveiled Atthe2022ParisAutoShow,CyrusiX3andCyrusSF5wereoffi
Divide three major product matrices and Mercedes-Benz strategic plan announced OnMay19,MercedesBenzannounceditsstrategicplanatthe
2023 Chongqing Auto Show | Tank 500 Hi4-T makes its southwest debut OnJune9,theTankbranddebutedatthe25thChongqingInter
New Ford F-150 preview image released, will debut at North American Auto Show Recently,theofficialreleasedapreviewvideoofthenewF
Lantu brand officially lands in Portugal with three models unveiled Recently,welearnedfromtheofficialthatLantuAutomobi
Xpeng Motors delivered 9,002 units in April, a year-on-year increase of 75% OnMay1,XpengMotorsannounceditsAprildeliveryvolume
Test drive of the third-generation Haval H6 DHT-PHEV BitautoOriginalInthisyear sautomobilemarket,wecans