The latecomers are ahead. Julang Hybrid GMC2.0 is more advanced than Toyota THS BitautoOriginalSincethebeginningofthisyear,therisi
Cadillac Escalade EV expected to debut in 2023, priced at over $120,000 Afewdaysago,weobtainedthelatestnewsabouttheCadilla
2022 Paris Auto Show: Cyrus iX3/Cyliss SF5 unveiled Atthe2022ParisAutoShow,CyrusiX3andCyrusSF5wereoffi
Divide three major product matrices and Mercedes-Benz strategic plan announced OnMay19,MercedesBenzannounceditsstrategicplanatthe
2023 Chongqing Auto Show | Tank 500 Hi4-T makes its southwest debut OnJune9,theTankbranddebutedatthe25thChongqingInter
New Ford F-150 preview image released, will debut at North American Auto Show Recently,theofficialreleasedapreviewvideoofthenewF
Lantu brand officially lands in Portugal with three models unveiled Recently,welearnedfromtheofficialthatLantuAutomobi
Xpeng Motors delivered 9,002 units in April, a year-on-year increase of 75% OnMay1,XpengMotorsannounceditsAprildeliveryvolume
Test drive of the third-generation Haval H6 DHT-PHEV BitautoOriginalInthisyear sautomobilemarket,wecans
First unveiled in May, Volkswagen Virtus test spy photos exposed Afewdaysago,welearnedfromrelevantchannelsspyphotos